The William Strother Society, Inc.
The William Strother Society, Inc.
The officers and directors comprise the governing body of the William Strother Society and together they form the Board of Directors.  At the biennial conference, the current Board holds an official meeting, the newly-elected Board holds a meeting, and there is a general business meeting of the members.  The executive committee conducts the business of the Society between biennial conferences.

President: Ernst Strother Bauer
First Vice President: Elizabeth Strother
Second Vice President: Richard (Rick) King
Secretary: Hank Bair
Treasurer: Bob Lamb, Jr.
Genealogist: Fran Kirkpatrick
Historian: Vacant
Membership Chair: Kaye O'Kelley
Newsletter Editor: Ethan Bauer
Director (exp. 2026): Ethan Bauer
Director (exp. 2026): Margaret Candler King
Director (exp. 2026): Fran Kirkpatrick
Director (exp. 2026): Richard Strother
Director (exp. 2026): Lisa Ann Volb
Director (exp. 2028): Steven Dittman
Director (exp. 2028): Sally Frodge
Director (exp. 2028): Bob Lamb, Jr.
Director (exp. 2028): Dennis John Strother
Director (exp. 2028): Ed Strother
Immediate Past President: George A. Fenwick, Jr.
Bylaws/Parliamentarian: Karl Welhart
English Ancestry Committee: Bob Lamb, Jr.
Honors Committee: Vacant
Investment Committee: Leslie Bauer
Nominating Committee: Kaye O'Kelley
Publications Committee: Ed Strother
Social Media: Ernst Strother Bauer
Strother Photographs Committee: Jimmy J. Strother
Database Administrator: Ed Strother
Webmaster/System Adminstrator: Mike Noble


The Executive Committee, made up of the elected officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary) plus the Treasurer, one Director and the Immediate Past President, conducts the business of the Society between regular meetings of the Board of Directors at the biennial conferences. 
The Board of Directors appoints various committees as needed to conduct the business of the Society and to provide benefits to members.
The Bylaws/Parliamentarian Committee oversees the conduct of all business meetings and ensures that the Bylaws properly reflect the needs of the Society.
The English Ancestry Committee conducts research to find the ancestors of William Strother, the immigrant, and manages the DNA project.  More information on this committee can be found in the Genealogy section.
The Honors Committee arranges for the honoring of outgoing presidents of the Society and recommends to the president others to be honored by the Society and the manner of honoring them. 
The Investment Committee oversees the finances of the Society and advises the Board of Directors and Treasurer on investments and internal controls. 
The Nominating Committee identifies members interested in serving as officers or directors and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for elections at the next biennial conference. 
The Publications Committee advises the Board of Directors regarding policies to be followed in the preparation, printing and publication of Society publications and assists the Board in monitoring publication activities.  The committee is also responsible for maintenance of the Strother Family Database.
The Social Media Committee maintains the William Strother Society Facebook page and advises the Board of Directors on all social media matters.
The Strother Photographs Committee collects and preserves photographs of people and places related to the William Strother family.  Utilizing electronic storage technology, the committee is involved in a continuing project of scanning photographs and archiving them for future generations.